Wednesday, June 29, 2005


I may put on my gardening boots and go out and plant some more perennials. Let the gowth begin!!! Once we planted a tree and we got mixed up on the Miracle-Gro solution and it was sky blue. The plants looked a little startled for about a year but have finally settled down and are actually growing. I once knew someone who had 10 brothers and sisters and I keep thinking how neat it would be if all 11 showed up and I could assign them each a task. Think of all the man-hours in the yard and all the stuff that could be planted. Then they could stay another couple of days and totally clean the house. Gee, how would I feed them? Maybe one of them knows how to cook. Where would they sleep? In a tent city? That sounds good. But it is just me and my trowel and suddenly the tiny backyard looks sooooo big. Maybe I will just get a book and read . . .


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