Saturday, July 09, 2005


Grandma's Gardening Philosophy



At 7:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 8:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

run sydney run run to the garden and then run to the flag then jump in the car and then go to the bakery then get Sam cookies then drive to the donut shop and get Sam lots of donuts then go to the fish market and get me, Torn, lots of fish and then keep them here, Spikey, until I come and pick them up. wait I will have to sleep now. I will have to send in Rampage to get them. wait, I am undercover. my real name is Tormentor and Sam is trying to find my cave. I told him to meet me in 2 hours from now at the cave. Tell her this: I live in the mountain - at the very top. now I am thinking I should go to my ice cold bed. ps. Jake make sure Spikey does not eat MMMMYYYYYYYY fish.


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