Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Yes, just words. Can the UnSpike hold your attention without pictures? HEY!!!!! Okay, I see I have a problem. Maybe I will put money in a jar and have drawing at the end when all of the comment/entries come in. I guess most of you guys out there think I am some sort of fun-loving spikehead with no serious thoughts. Hmmm. That may be something I should think about.

I have been reading articles on log shrinkage lately. I hope my architect and contractors were aware of this topic. What if I am sleeping and it gets really dry and the logs shrink big long holes open up and the wind sucks me out? That is something else to think about.

If I get to worrying about it too much, I will go down to the wine cellar and think about it there.


At 4:48 AM, Blogger Jody said...

hi spike u so cool


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